Quote for the day:
Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance
but disappear when you get up close to them. ~John Shirley
Happy Halloween to one and all! I hope it was a good one for you...and I hope you got TREATS and not TRICKS! :)
This weekend has gone by AMAZINGLY FAST! Wow! Whoosh...and it was GONE!
Remember that auction I told you we were going to on Saturday in this post?
Well...we went and had a good time. It was COOOOLLLLDDD, but we dressed warmly and survived without too much frostbite! LOL
The auction was in a REALLY NICE area of Bridgeport...nice house, nice neighborhood...nice STUFF! :D And things went CHEAPLY for the most part. Makes me wish I had a bigger house. A BEAUTIFUL dining set with 6 chairs went for $90. Yeah...tell me about it! And there was NOTHING cheap about any of the things this couple had owned. Everything wreaked of money! You could have furnished a complete house with solid, well-made brand-name furniture for a couple hundred dollars at this auction!
Anyway...I don't like to cook. Basically, I'd rather be quilting...or doing just about ANYTHING else...other than cooking...except for maybe having a root canal...I'd rather cook than have a root canal... But I digress...
Back to me not liking to cook...when I do have to cook, I like to not only have the "right" tools for the job, but I also like to use pretty things. It makes the chore more fun...and the food more presentable to be served in pretty things. I have a variety of pretty platters and serving bowls that I have bought at yard sales and thrift stores over the years. I usually pay about $1.00 for a pretty china platter and about 25-50 cents for a pretty china serving bowl.
Now...what does all of this have to do with the auction????
Well...I saw two boxes of Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne pattern baking dishes and serving dishes. These boxes were chock full.
When they came up for auction they auctioned them off together as one "lot". And guess who bought them???
ME!!! :)
Yep...all 45 pieces of it!
Now...anybody want to hazard a guess of how much I paid????????
Now...just so you know...I am only keeping what I can use. If it duplicates an item I already have (that is in a plain glass instead of pretty ironstone) I will get rid of the plain item and keep the pretty ironstone piece. For example, I will get rid of a plain pie plate I have and replace it with the one on the left of the picture there.
I will be keeping probably 12 of the pieces that are pictured. All the rest will be Ebayed. I have already listed 3 lots and will be listing more over the next several days. If anything doesn't sell, I will put it with the yardsale items. I should more than make my money back! ;)
These are the lots I have listed on Ebay right now:
Thanks for stopping by! Please leave a comment to let me know what you have "released" into the wild today!